Knowhowsoccer is the latest, updated modern coaching concept and methodology that teaches players to perform at their maximum potential.


Club organization

Dream of every youngster who joins local club is to become athlete like his idols TV. Registering to a sports organization, player’s and his parents ultimate impression is that club provides facilities, coaching and activities in an organized manner, where players will benefit playing their favourite sport. It is not possible for all the kids to join top teams, therefore, there are many other organizations of a different level that can fit all kind of students. No meter what level or name of soccer club is, everyone is individual for itself and have their own coaching philosophy. That concept should be followed and have to be defined with clear guidelines and activities that are supportive and promotional.

In reality, it is not always that ideal situation. What is said or written on paper should be done in practice. Lack of passion, ideas, motivation, time, dedication, drive and, why not say, knowledge is the main reason why one academy or soccer school is better than the otherone.   People who run the club should possess all these qualities, to be fully involved, dedicated in order to earn trust while leading such a responsible and beloved organization.

There are many satisfactions that this job, if it is done in a proper manner, can offer. Joy of children attending training, development and improvement of individuals and teams, growth of individual personalities that encourages sports itself, social aspect of life, safety environment where children are protected from the street and many, many more.

It is every club’s task and obligation to provide organization that is able to maximize effort and fulfill, if not all, then most of the conditions that will bring to smooth development of young athlete.

Knowhowsoccer provides guides, statements, objectives, training programmes, planners, setups, fixtures, festivals, instructional meeting guides and concepts how to create, develop or power up your club or organization. Our expert team offers selection of helpful tools that are easy to use and can be instantly operated with, and also, professional support with necessary explanations and definitions.

This concept is a great challenge for us and we are proud to be part of your success.

Good Luck!

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